(10, 15, 24, 13)
I made this list while I was still living in the house and since we´ve moved to the flat I´m going to have to update some of the points. I am crossing off the ones that I have finished and changing the ones not completed but no longer relevant. Here are the first 25 things.
1.Give away 50 things that I own to people who will appreciate them more than I do.
Done! I gave away atleast 50 things before and during moving house in August/September to friends, family and strangers. It felt good.
2.Learn more about permaculture-gardening and grow enough vegetables to feed my family for a larger part of the year according to permaculture guidelines.
Since we no longer have our family garden, we have our eyes open for a piece of land near our flat where I can again grow my own vegetables. I have learnt a lot about permaculture and can´t wait to have my own garden again. In the meantime, we are buying fruits and veges locally from farmers directly, from the organic shop in the next street and from a Friday morning market in the next city.
3.Take apart the wardrobe in Markus´ room and cut it up for firewood.
4.Take back overdue library books.
5.Buy tiles and finish the upstairs toilet.
No longer relevant, changed to - paint a feature wall in the kitchen dark red.
6.Clean the oven.
Done! Double, in our old place and our new place.
7.Finish answering my “Life Aims” questions, print the posts and put them in a journal to remember the journey.
8.Sew a pair of casual pants.
9.Rearrange the furniture in Markus´ room.
10.Help Erich finish the furniture for Daniel´s room.
Done! But the furniture is now in our living room.
11.Walk 30 minutes a day starting today.
I finally started this one today!
12.Sew a messenger bag to take to work.
13.Sew a new curtain for Daniel´s room.
No longer relevant so I made a large pillow instead, done!
14.New curtain for Stefan and Markus.
Coming soon!
15.Paint a mural on Markus´ wall.
I painted a tree silhouette in the dining room instead.
16.Sew a bean bag for Daniel.
No longer relevant, changed to sew a table runner for the dining table.
17.Rid the drive way of all firewood and leftover building materials.
18.Paint the woodwork on the 2 balconies and the stair-rail out the front.
No longer relevant, changed to - build a raised bed for Stefan.
19.Paint the walls in the kitchen and sew new curtains and seat cushion covers.
Walls painted, curtains and seat covers coming soon!
20.Buy wood for the steps and finish the staircase.
No longer relevant, changed to - build a rice paper screen for living room window.
21.Finish the upstairs bathroom.
No longer relevant, changed to - buy new cabinet fronts and handles for kitchen.
22.Buy and lay tiles on the steps in front of the house.
No longer relevant, changed to - restore cabinet for the kitchen. Finished soon!
23.Change the central heating from oil to wood burning.
No longer relevant, changed to - replace broken glass in kitchen cabinet.
24.Hang up a mirror over the chest of drawers in the hallway.
Done! Mirror is up in the bathroom.
25.Make a room divider for the bedroom to hide the mirror at night.
No longer relevant, changed to - sew a curtain for bedroom window.
I should be finished with most of these things by the end of the month, watch out for updates!