I am often heard saying "I have an idea!". The look on Erich´s face usually says "Oh no! What is it this time?" but he patiently asks "really darling, what is it!". The ideas I have are usually for little face-lifts around the house, which require drilling, building or painting (by Erich) or a trip to Ikea. But there are other times when people I know have asked me for advice on decorating, sewing, cooking, buying or making a gift for someone, an idea for a party or song lyrics. I always have an idea. Sometimes it jumps into my head straight away and sometimes I say I´ll think about it and get back to them and I go about my day and suddenly the idea will come to me. Not just vaguely mind you, I can see, smell and feel the idea, I can picture it in all it´s detail and my enthusiasm can be overwhelming because I get impatient when I describe the idea and the other person can´t see it, or when someone wants to work on my idea and change it so I say "just trust me, it will be wonderful!" and it always is. I love to pass my ideas on to other people and see them work.
Ideas for my own creativity seem to be endless at the moment and although I´m concentrating on the projects in The Crafter´s Companion, new ideas pop into my head all the time. I made a collage last year called Meine Kleine Welt (my little world) by covering a styropor head (used to display wigs) with magazine clippings and it´s like my head inside out - full of pictures, full of words, full of so many ideas. Will I ever be able to harness them all? Will there ever be enough time to accomplish everything? I don´t know but I´m going with it because this is what really makes me happy, seeing ideas in my head and then watching them become real things, things that can be touched, things that please, soothe and warm and things that motivate other people to have new ideas. Ideas make the world go round!
More Sunday Scribblings
Wow- I love your idea! Your head inside out! I love it!
Yes, ideas do make the world go round! Thanks for sharing!
Oh, that's so cool! I love seeing a physical representation of all of your ideas. You're just overflowing with creativity! And I never knew what those heads are called, interesting.
Fabulous creative idea, the head "inside out!'
Well done!
Love your collaged head and can relate to wondering whether you can ever harness all your ideas....
Well you must know that I am very grateful you share all of your ideas here, and that you have a camera to capture and post them with!
Thanks for allowing me inside your head!
Take care,
I've often felt as though my head had turned inside out, but never seen the result.
Great idea! Thanks.
You and my sister are so alike...being able to instantly visualize an idea and then making it a reality. What a gift!
Oh, that is so cool!
Once again I am floored by your collages ... This has to be the most fun list of ideas I have ever seen!
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