This week´s
Sunday Scribblings prompt inspired me to make a collage. I have 2 new books on my bedside table : Das Leben ist ein Langer Fluss (Life is a Long River) by Patricia Tudor-Sandahl and The Discovery of Heaven by Harry Mulisch. The first was given to me by a friend after we´d been discussing getting older, the catholic church and religion questions and the second book was recommended by another friend who says that she believes Mulisch´s theory that everything is pre-destined. Always curious, I want to read both books. I wonder, is it important to know what drives us? Are we the masters of our own destiny? Is it all fate or just one big coincidence? It is a mystery to me. I´m not sure if I want to know the answers...would we live differently if we knew?
what a lovely collage & such deep thoughts!! You've really hit on some of THE mysteries.
P.S. I really love that picture of you - you look so cheeky!!
Agreed....here is a toast to Mystery!!! Just where would we be without it!!!
Let's keep the mystery for as long as humanly possible. The only thing out of our control-just as it should be.
A big yes to mystery. And thanks for the references. More books to add to my list.
I wish I had thought of this- I want the answers to these too Claudia!!!
Hmm. Keep us posted on the predestined theory. It kind of scares me to think of predestined anything. I might as well turn on cruise control and let life just be.
Great pictures!
Loved your collage--vibrant and interesting...those books sound intense--hitting on some amazing mysteries...
Great collage! I'm staying with the mystery...I'd rather not know.
What a wonderful collage. My first feeble attempts at collage have not been aesthetically pleasing, but I'll learn. Thank you for your inspiration and for your unique take on the mystery prompt.
I love the take on the promp. The collages - I too ponder whether we are masters of our own destiny-especially dealing with infertility-the question -did I create this situation?
I really don't know if I would live differently-I guess that in itself is a mystery
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