Wednesday, June 14, 2006

BLACK/GREY Wednesday

This colour week is giving me the break in writing that I need to get some other projects finished. I am putting the finishing touches on a bag for this lady, getting thankyou notes in the mail to here and here and belated Birthday wishes in the mail for these 2 lovely people, drooling over all these lovely links and getting started on gifts to take along to Australia. We fly out on the 8th of July - OH MY!!!! That´s in less than a month!!!!


Deirdre said...

Your pictures make me notice the small things. Thank you.

Jorth said...

Ooh, where in Australia are you going? Do tell!

Frankie said...

Australia!!! How exciting!! Will you be able to blog from there? I'm absolutely in love with these colour posts. Wonderful!! How I've missed you my dear! xoxo