What would you attempt if you knew you would not fail?
I would start freelance as a translator and english trainer. I would teach differently - now I work using the books and learning aids of a speech institute so there is a particular method and pattern I must stick to. I would love to use things like collage, talking about books (like in a book club), art and music in my lessons to make it more interesting for both the students and myself. I would be away from home only 2 full days a week and on these days I would have a cleaning lady to do my ironing, dusting and to clean the windows and floors. I would work from home as a translator aswell to earn extra money and be near the children. I would translate novels, short stories, magazine articles and travel journals...all the things I love to read myself.
I´m in a practical state of mind right now.
I hope you do..do these things!
What a great vision, Claudia! You can make every one of these things come true. I believe in you.
Yeah, working from home is pretty fantastic -- and I really like your idea of having a cleaning service (less or no chores! How cool is that! Good idea :)
And I agree with Jamie, is there someway to shoot for these goals in the upcoming year or two?
These sound so achievable! I envy you your bilingual-ness, and it sounds like you very much have the tools to make this a reality. I hope you can do it -- it sounds like the perfect way to incorporate your creativity into your work, and leave yourself more time for family and play. I'm glad this exercise sparked a direct, pragmatic response in so many people!
What great aspirations. I really hope that they all come true for you! (Especially the cleaning service - would that be lovely.) xoox
You sound ready to take the plunge into a new life - how will you start?
wow...what super ideas! and so many of your "practical" ideas lend more time for the magical ones :-)
love your blog.
This takes me back to your magazine post and how I lamented that I was absolutely terrible when studying German in college. What a wonderful plan, oh I hope you give it a shot! Maybe start by tutoring some of your current students after hours and teaching the way you want to!
this is incredible. i can imagine that you can create this life my dear. i believe that you can do this. i can't wait to see what happens...
A housekeeper sounds good to me. I'm feeling "practical" right now too.
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