I read this book (the symbolism is much more meaningful than in the film) and I felt like Vianne. I was new in town, everyone thought I was wild and crazy, I didn´t want to adapt, I felt the power that religion has over the people here and I had neighbours who looked over my fence to check the state of my house and garden.
I want to have Vianne´s powers, to make something which awakens desire, courage and joy in others. I want them to feel my presence, to see why I love life, to feel my warmth and energy and be inspired by it. I want them to stop making so many rules, stop believing they are not worthy of happiness, stop judging and see and appreciate all this beauty they are surrounded by.
I don´t want to feel like a stranger here and have the wind calling me to move on. I want to stay and make a mark, I want justice - like in the novel - I want the bad guys to be seen for what they are and I want people who have wronged to regret their mistakes and move on unwilling to make the same mistakes with others. I want the "gypsies" to be able to stay, I want the loud music, the dancing, the friends and the food, I want to feel it all and know that it´s wonderful right there, in that moment and not afterwards when the moment has passed and I have only the memories.
That feeling when you bite into chocolate and the taste sensation hits your tongue, warms your mouth and sends the message to your brain that this is something good, something wonderful, you are alive and feeling a sensual pleasure, living in the moment. It´s that moment of pure joy that I want to carry inside me.
wow, Claudia, I know exactly EXACTLY how you feel. I am going to print this one out and read it several times to remind me not only of what I want but that I am not alone!! thank you so much. this was a wonderful post!
What a passionate post, Claudia! I can feel your presence, truly.
Oh you've inspired me to read the book too! thank you.
Beautiful writing, Claudia -- and I hope your quest to belong and to have a Chocolat happy ending in Austria can be fulfilled, that you'll have your own happy shop that will bring a little piece of wonder to your neighbors!
I'm going out today to Borders and getting this book. I loved the movie (who wouldn't?) but you have inspired me to go seek out its depth.
Hi again Claudia. It is now hours and hours later. I got the book. Also read the synopses of Harris' other five titles. They all sound wonderful. I plan to get them one at a time or go to amazon if I'm feeling greedy and get them all at once (hopefully from the same on-line bookseller. Thank you again for the description you provided of the true depth of the story.
I love the book and the film (not to mention chocolate!). I'm looking forward to exploring your blog.
i love this book as well...anything by harris is just a feast, a feast! for the senses.
and hear you when you say that you want to feel it in this way. one day i hope we will all meet to enjoy chocolate and dance to the music of the gypsies...
You hit me with that "I want them to stop making so many rules ..." section. It's like it's all excuses because being happy is harder than being, you know, all that other stuff. I've got to read this again ... and find the novel. I've only seen the movie. And the way you pull it all together with the actual experience of taking a bite ... great job!
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