Rhonna´s quotes really hit home for me! This challenge is about change, about learning to appreciate what I have, about not wasting time and money on things that don´t give me happiness, about becoming a better, more focused person. Answering the Life Aims questions and focusing on the changes I want to make during the 21 Day Challenge is really changing me...I am having to face many truths that I´ve been putting off, I am slowly coming face to face with myself. I can see my talent, my uniqueness, my positive self...but now it´s time to look at the side of me that drags me down, that keeps me small, my "bad angel"- that little criticising voice that reminds me of all the things that can go wrong. Here is the next set of questions:
What have you not been successful in in the past?
What were you only partly successful in doing?
Where did you fail?
Which weaknesses and deficits can you recognise which played a part in not coming through?
I know it´s going to be really hard to answer these questions without regretting, without wishing to turn the clock back, without finding reasons not to like myself because of past failures. Check back soon for answers.
If you have just found my blog, you may want to start at the beginning with the Life Aims questions so here are the links.
Week 1,
week 2,
week 3. It´s a 10 week challenge and I am really enjoying getting to know myself finally in the year of my 40th Birthday!
Claudia, it sounds like you're having such a great growth experience with this challenge! So glad to hear it!
This is amazing to read. Claudia if YOU go back and read what you have written you will see a change in yourself!! You are so strong and honest and creative. You are remarkable. Keep it up! How many more weeks have you got to do in your book?!
I literally have just 5-8 minutes (Still no net access at home yet) but there is so much to respond to in these last beautiful posts I just read so I definitely will be back very soon, but I HAD To drop in to say I received your pillow yesterday and it is a healing balm for my sad soul of late, truly, it was such a joy to come home to yesterday and see it on my porchstep- thank you so very dearly. YOu have no idea how much it meant to me at this time. I miss blogging all around so much and will be back as soon as possible. I'll be writing you a longer email and putting together a surprise for you too so you be waiting! xoxoxo
Hi Claudia, thank you so much for stopping by my blog and saying hi. I am so glad to have found your blog. I am really enjoying reading it and going back over your old posts.
Will definately be back!
I am going to go back and read those posts again...but I want to say that I cannot wait to see how you answer these questions. I hope you will share some with us. You are amazing my dear...learning, growing, stretching, and dancing just a bit!
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